This is a question often asked by academics in fields of research and related circles, and rightly so. They deserve the right to know whether they can leave their research papers unedited so that paraphrasers can remove plagiarism, if any.
My point is that we are digging into the wrong hole. The question that should be asked is how effective are AI paraphrasers at removing plagiarism from research papers? Results will vary from one online paraphraser to another, but the quality will be superior to that of run-of-the-mill non-AI rephrasers, there is no doubt about that.
This question can only be answered after thoroughly testing one or more paraphrasers. Every aspect related to their output must be monitored to prove that AI paraphrasing eliminates plagiarism without a doubt. You will enjoy this process a lot. It is just like writing a research paper.
Selecting the right AI paraphrasers
The first order of business is to choose the right rewriting tool. Paraphrasers are designed to repurpose the original text with greater clarity and remove confusing or jargon-laden text. Plagiarism happens to be a side effect of this process.
The perfect AI paraphraser will not treat plagiarism in research papers as a secondary goal that the tool may or may not achieve. The best ones are working to paraphrase the same ideas in a new way while actively avoiding being labeled as plagiarism.
With that in mind, we selected an AI paraphraser that we believe is the ideal candidate to test the main question of this article. We will show its different modes to see how effective they are at eliminating copied work.
Paraphrasing in simple mode
Apparently, the simplest mode of the bunch is shown. However, don’t be fooled by the nature of its name tag. This mode is simple in name only.
My favorite part about this online tool is the fact that it allows you to select synonyms of your choice from the generated result if you don’t like the original result. Word to the wise? Don’t go around making too many changes as the tool knows better.
This introduction is part of a research paper more extensive article on the topic “Obtaining consensus rankings using a multi-criteria decision-making methodology”. This is a published article. As it is unedited, 100% plagiarism would be detected.
We took the output from the tool and ran it through a plagiarism check to show the effectiveness of the AI ​​paraphraser in removing plagiarism.
Paraphrasing in flow mode
According to our independent testing of other paraphrasing tools, flux, in this case, means “medium.” Flux mode decides to take it a step further and make a few more edits to the source material. Here are its results:
And here is the result after a plagiarism check:
Completely unique and naturally flowing text, courtesy of this AI paraphrasing tool.
Smart paraphrasing mode
We haven’t talked at length about what it means for a paraphrasing tool to have AI infused into it. Natural language processing is a subset of AI. It is tasked with deciphering the context of human language.
Without NLP, machines have constantly struggled to understand the actual meaning behind certain human texts. The fact of the matter is that before AI, paraphrasing tools simply replaced words with their synonyms without taking into account natural consistency.
All this changed with the introduction of AI, as you have seen throughout this article. Smart mode tests the full power of NLP, as you can see in the result below:
And of course, we will also fix this with another plagiarism check for your satisfaction.
Bingo! We won the lottery and all three modes produced 100% unique texts.
Back to the question posed at the beginning. You clearly saw what an AI paraphraser is capable of when it so effectively paraphrased an already published research paper. So much so that plagiarism detectors they can’t tell the difference anymore.
Imagine what these tools can do when you are in the process of writing one. Of course, AI paraphrasing has both positive and negative conclusions. We hope that you will use these tools ethically and responsibly to write research papers that will advance your field.